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Bev Berns

January 2024

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Work-based Learning Updates

Keystone AEA Launches a Job Shadow Opportunity for High School Students

Keystone AEA offers job shadowing for high school and college students. For more information, contact Teresa Bushman by email at 563-241-3036.

Click here to get started

Iowa WORKS Core Workforce Readiness Workshops for School Districts

IowaWORKS staff are available to present a variety of workforce readiness workshops.

Click here for available workshops

Iowa Work-Based Learning ROAR (Recognize, Offer, Acknowledge & Reward) Form

This is your opportunity to anonymously recognize the great work of new or existing work-based learning programs and initiatives; Offer exciting news, updates, and plans; Acknowledge others with notes of appreciation or kudos; and brag a little about Rewards or awards earned for Iowa's amazing work-based learning programs, coordinators, educators, counselors, employers, and other partners or support staff.

Feel free to submit multiple responses to ensure we highlight as many examples as possible each month. Keep up the great work! Email for additional information, questions, or feedback. 

Submit your ROAR here!

Updated WBL Resources

The Iowa Department of Education is in the process of updating some of the WBL resources that can be found at They are also developing some new or enhanced resources to support the field further. Watch for additional information in the near future, and in the meantime, consider visiting some of the current resources listed below. 

Work-Based Learning Contact

Bev Berns