ELPA21, Professional Learning, Title III funding
English Learners
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ELPA21, Professional Learning, Title III funding
ELPA21, Professional Learning, Title III funding
ELPA21, Professional Learning, Title III funding
ELPA21, Professional Learning, Title III funding
- Identifying and Serving English Learners
- ELP Standards and Guidance
- ELPA21 Assessments
- Considerations for Teaching ELs
- Professional Learning
- Resources and Links
- Title III Funding
Identifying and Serving English Learners
From the Iowa Department of Education: "The Lau Plan is so named because of the seminal case of the 1974 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Lau v. Nichols and is civil right requirement for all school districts regardless of English learner or Immigrant student enrollment.
A Lau Plan is required of both public and nonpublic accredited districts in accordance with Title III of the ESEA (PL 107-110) and federal civil rights law, as well as Iowa Code 280.4 and Iowa Code 216.9.
Regardless of whether a district has identified English Learners (referred to as LEP in state and federal code) or immigrant student enrollment, the law requires the development of a plan to address the specific language instruction education needs should it become necessary to provide such services. The district should review and revise the Lau Plan on an annual basis to ensure adequate preparation of all educational personnel to meet the unique needs of diverse language learners.
On an annual basis, districts and accredited nonpublic schools must involve representatives from all stakeholder groups to review and make any necessary revisions to the district's Lau Plan. In all cases, the Lau Plan should be made publicly available and understood by all staff who work with English Learner students."
For assistance with reviewing Lau Plans, please contact Sarah Brincks, sbrincks@aea1.k12.ia.us.
Standardized Entrance and Exit Procedures for Iowa's English Learners
The completion of the Home Language Survey (HLS) is the first step in identifying potential English learners. In accordance with federal law and required by Iowa code 281—60.3(1), LEAs are required to administer an HLS for all students at the time of enrollment. The HLS is designed to gather information about a student’s language background and identify students whose primary language or home language is other than English.
Effective August 1, 2022 (or enrollment for the 22-23 school year), Iowa will implement a new HLS which replaces the language use current questions with three required questions. The three questions have been approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
The required questions are:
1. What is the primary language used in the regardless of the language spoken by the student?
2. What is the language most often spoken by the student?
3. What is the language that the student first acquired?
Reminder: While the 3 questions will determine screening eligibility, the broader form should be considered as it contains other data elements the LEA needs to collect. **It should also be noted that LEAs not obtain a new HLS for existing students but must use the new form as described above for all new students entering the district beginning August 1, 2022 (or enrollment for the 22-23 school year). LEAs may access the new form through TransAct. The HLS must be appropriately filed with the other permanent student enrollment documentation.
ELP Standards and Guidance
ELPA21 Assessments
Important Dates for ELPA21:
January 30-March 24, 2023: Spring 2023 ELPA21 Testing Window
March 31, 2023: Alt-ELPA21 window closes
March 31, 2023: Deadline to enter non-participation codes
May 15: Student ELPA21 Summative Reports available in the Reporting function on the ELPA21 Portal
All identified district/building technology and test coordinators should be receiving information directly from the Iowa Department of Education. Information includes mandatory trainings, technology specifications, etc. to aid schools in administering this assessment. If you are not currently on the Iowa Department of Education ELPA21 listserv, please contact Terri Schuster at terri.schuster@iowa.gov.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When is the testing window for ELPA21?
The testing window begins January 30 and closes March 24, 2023.
When will scores be available?
Scores for 2022-23 are scheduled to be available May 15, 2023, in the Reporting function of the Iowa ELPA21 Portal.
Are there practice tests available for students?
Practice tests are available within the Iowa ELPA21 Portal. It is recommended that students take the practice tests to familiarize themselves with the online testing format. It is also recommended that practice tests are given no earlier than 1-2 weeks before your district's specific testing date(s).
Are there trainings available? Who has to participate in these trainings?
Technology and test coordinators, along with test administrators, must participate in the appropriate trainings for their roles. Trainings are required for both the dynamic screener and the summative assessment annually. Trainings are available through AEA Learning Online.
To access these trainings:
- Go to aealearningonline.org.
- Under the "Professional Learning for Educators" tab, choose "AEA Learning System".
- Log in to your AEA Learning Online account.
- In the catalog, search "ELPA21" or choose "English Language Learners."
- Choose the appropriate training (ELPA21 Dynamic Screener Training or ELPA21 Summative Assessment Training).
- Please note special trainings as needed, such as ELPA21 Summative Administration of Paper Forms for Religious Exemptions.
Important Links:
Iowa Department of Education ELPA21 webpage:
Iowa ELPA21 Portal (Do request portal access through an A&A account. This link will help you see the portal layout.):
Who do I contact if I need help?
For account set-up/password issues, please contact the EdPortal Help Desk:
- Website: https://portal.ed.iowa.gov
- Email: ed.portal@iowa.gov
- Phone: 515-725-2040
For all other customer support, please contact the Iowa ELPA21 Help Desk:
- Email: iowaelpa21helpdesk@cambiumassessment.com
- Phone: 1-855-873-5710
Considerations for Teaching ELs
As students acquire language, it is important to consider the difference between BICS and CALP.
BICS: Social Language, everyday interactions, takes six months to two years to develop
CALP: Academic Language, can take five to seven years to develop fully.
**Site Currently Under Construction. Check back for updates!**
Professional Learning
On-demand Professional Learning Webinars from NCELA
Topics Include:
- Teacher Collaboration: Aligning Content and Language Instruction
- English Learner and Newcomer Toolkits
- Culturally Responsive Practices
Resources and Links
Title III Funding
Keystone's Title III consortium funds are available to meet the needs of English Learners.
To find out more about required and allowable activities, see the Iowa Department of Education's Title III, Part A Guidance.
Please note the fiscal year closes June 30, 2023. Please have all receipts/POs, etc. submitted at least two weeks before that date.
Keystone currently offers the following supplemental tools for schools. If you are interested in any of the following, please contact
Coming soon to Keystone's media collection: I'm Your Neighbor Books Welcoming Library (2 available)