Yearly PD is to be provided to all staff by the endorsed Gifted and Talented Teacher/Coordinator. Below you will find some resources that will support that work. Please note, the PD session isn't defined by a minimum or maximum amount of time (30 minutes in an after school meeting would meet the requirement).
CogAT Informational Session
Video Presentation
PowerPoint Template
This is a template of what was used in a PD session. Feel free to copy, modify, and edit as needed (thanks to Kathleen Sweet).
Defining The Learners (Activity)
The handout can be downloaded and copied. As recently seen in a district, the G/T Coordinator made several copies, cut them apart, put all the definitions and headings into an envelope and had groups of teachers decide which characteristics matched the three specific kinds of learners (thanks to Julie Frieden).
Terms and Definitions
Video- Myths about Gifted Education
Fast Forward about a minute (the content is good after the introduction)