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Caring Connections for Social Emotional Behavioral Health



Smiling releases healthy endorphins!  Do you have a Smile File


Create your own "smile file" by saving cards, pictures, emails, and thank you notes to brighten your day – so when you're feeling discouraged you can reflect on something that makes you smile and feel good.  




promoting self care screenshot

Portable Practices for Promoting Self Care

We’ve all heard the phrase “You can’t pour from an empty cup” and know that we need to put our own oxygen mask on before helping others, but how often do we follow this advice? Often times, our own self-care gets pushed to the side while we manage our job responsibilities and care for our families. However, self-care should be at the top of your list! Here are some pointers for helping to infuse self-care throughout your day!

Self-care can occur during the day! It doesn’t have to be something we wait to do. Check out this resource for portable ideas!



Five Ideas for Practicing Self-Care During a Pandemic from

  1. Set and maintain boundaries. 
  2. Reflect on your feelings and needs. 
  3. Recognize what is and isn’t in your control. 
  4. Acknowledge moments of gratitude and joy. 
  5. Use self-care routines throughout your day.