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Understanding Proficiency




The following chart demonstrates how Depth of Knowledge and Self-Reflection exist within a Learning Cycle that centers on Proficiency Scales and Rubrics. 


Webb's Depth of Knowledge (2005) is used to determine what level of rigor the learning is targeted

sbe proficiency scales and rubrics



Webb's Depth of Knowledge is used to determine what level of rigor the learning is targeted. 

Understanding Proficiency Scales/Rubrics


Learning targets may be articulated as proficiency scales (i.e. learning progressions within a level) and assessed using multiple forms of assessment. At the very basic level, a proficiency scale is thinking about the content for an important topic in terms of three levels of difficulty.

Below is a template from Reinventing Schools, which gives the basic understanding of how proficiencies would be detailed for students.

sbe reinventing schools



Understanding Depth of Knowledge


Levels of Complexity


Level 1 - Recall/Reproduction

Recall a fact, information, or procedure; process information on a low level

Level 2 - Skill/Concept

Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps

Level 3 - Strategic Thinking

Requires reasoning, developing a plan or a sequence of steps, more than one reasonable approach

Level 4 - Extended Thinking

Requires connections and extensions, high cognitive demands and complex reasoning