McElroy Grant
The purpose of the McElroy Grant program is to provide funding for classroom teachers to develop innovative, educational experiences for their students in the second semester of the school year. These projects must be an integral part of the curriculum and must demonstrate excellence in education.
Grants ranging from $500-$2,000 will be awarded to teachers in AEA 1 schools. A total of $30,000 will be awarded for the 2024-2025 school year. This funding is provided by the McElroy Trust as part of its McElroy Excellence in Education grants program. It is intended that these grants fund expenses not generally covered by school district budgets. The funds may be used for, but not limited to, equipment, materials, and supplies (for the use of the equipment for which the money is allotted). Please do not request funding for iPads, guest speaker fees, food, field trips, or curriculums. The grant scoring team reserves the right to limit the number of grants awarded to any one district.
Either an individual or a team may submit a grant. No teacher may be involved in more than one grant. To be eligible, a teacher must hold a current teaching certificate and must be teaching in an accredited AEA1 school as defined by the Iowa Department of Education . Funds will be distributed to the individual school district in the teacher's name.