Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents
Child Find, the process by which students with disabilities are located, evaluated, and identified as needing special education services, is the responsibility of Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and is implemented consistently across the state through common standards and procedures.
The information below provides additional information about the adopted procedures, eligibility standards, and common misunderstandings, misinformation, and miscommunications encountered by parents and educators.
Produced as a collaborative project among Iowa’s AEA Directors of Special Education, the ASK Resource Center, and Disability Rights Iowa, this series of four brief videos clarify some of the more frequently encountered misunderstandings about the state’s child find, evaluation, and eligibility determination procedures.
Videos are available to address the following areas of primary concern:
- Suspicion of Disability Video Clarifies conditions under which a disability might be suspected and addresses common misunderstandings. After viewing the video, please complete the survey below. Transcript of Video
- Predetermination of Disability Considers decisions made about suspicion of disability or eligibility for special education services before considering available information, obtaining parental consent, or conducting complete evaluations. After viewing the video, please complete the survey below. Transcript of Video
- Consent for Full and Individual Initial Evaluation Addresses misunderstandings and miscommunication related to informed parental consent for evaluation. After viewing the video, please complete the survey below. Transcript of Video
- Evaluation and Eligibility Determination Clarifies some common misinformation and misunderstanding about how students are evaluated and determined eligible for special education and related services. After viewing the video, please complete the survey below. Transcript of Video
Glossary of Terms
A glossary of the special education terms used in these materials is available here.
Parents, Principals, Superintendents, General Education and Special Education Teachers, and AEA Staff will find these videos informative in helping all stakeholders develop a better understanding of the Child Find process.